Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 101: Ya gotta love the Swedes

An outdoor canopy appeared in the neighboring garden this morning and I could not for the life of me figure out what that was all about. For a while, I thought maybe it had been out there all along and that I'd simply never noticed it before. A little while ago, I looked up from my kitchen table and saw a couple out there decorating it.

Then it hit's crayfish party season in Sweden! Two straight days of pouring rain were certainly no reason to cancel the traditional celebration. It's hard to make out in the photo (I did not want to intrude on their festivities by moving closer) but the table is all decked out with party hats and crayfish bibs and the requisite red crayfish streamer hanging across the canopy ceiling.

I expect it will be a long night, eating, singing and, most importantly on this occasion, drinking snaps. In the rain. And wind. And cold. But hey, it's crayfish season and the weather be damned! 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 101: In my element

What is this feeling of well-being, contentment and drive? And, where oh where has it been all these years? I've been longing to feel fully engaged, stimulated and motivated for such a long time now that I was beginning to give up hope. Worst yet, I had lost touch with what would or could captivate me in quite that way.

Lost no more. For the past week, I feel completely in my element and just love being surrounded by that certain energy that only theater people and theater productions elicit in me.

Yup, folks, there is no business like show business!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 100: It's the little things you do...

Well, Sondheim would have it "together" but today's happy was all about taking care of myself. You know the drill: paying bills, catching up on errands, researching computers. 

I found a great site, BTW (or rather was referred to it by a former colleague) called They acquire computers that companies are getting rid of, wipe their hard drives, test them and then auction them off online. They come with a one year guarantee and the auction closes once a week. So, I hope that by Monday, I will back up and running. I do love my iPad but being computerless is not much fun, even with my handy dandy iPad on hand.

This evening, I tutored a lovely young woman in Swedish. We meet every so often and converse. I am tickled by the fact that I of all people am helping people improve their Swedish...funny where life leads you. In any event, it is always a pleasure to work with her. She is so motivated, hard working and at the same time such a gentle soul. Today, I mostly listened as she told me in great detail about a difficult relationship at work. She picked the topic and it was pretty astounding listening to her struggle to express herself on such an emotional subject in a language that is not her native tongue. Impressive and inspiring. I lead a charmed life.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 99: Everybody's got the right to be happy

So two fantasic things happened to me over the past two days and I'm not at all sure which makes me happier. They both occurred during our production meeting marathon for Assassins. First, on three separate occasions, three different men referred to me as a woman. Honestly, I can't remember the last time a man openly recognized my femininity...and it sure felt good.

Later...much later into the night while I was fast asleep...the show's director publicly declared me "the bestest [sic] general manager (produktionschef) ever. Online. On the Assassins Facebook page. Wow. I mean wow.

So, one personal and one professional triumph. Just so you don't think it's all a bed of roses, my computer has gone totally schizophrenic on me. The screen is dying. A slow, agonizing death...agonizing for me at least :-( Anyone out there got an extra computer lying around? If so, I'm your customer.

Oh, and mark your calendars...the premier has been established: Jan 8, 2013, with or without Mr. Sondheim in the house.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 98: Perpetual anticipation...

Soon, very soon, the real work begins. Awaiting the arrival of the rest of the production crew and two days of exciting work. Discussing, planning, laughing, getting to know one another.

In the meanwhile, there are views to be seen and my blog to compose
There are so many things in the meanwhile.
And a girl has to celebrate what passes by :-)

So what do you say to this work environment? Not too shabby, eh?!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 97: It takes so little... make me happy, really. On my way home from the Stockholm Language Exchange group tonight, for example, I suddenly remembered that I had to buy milk. Immediately, a big grin appeared on my face and my step got lighter. If you're looking quizzical while reading this then you're probably young. Younger than me. Wait a decade or two and you'll understand how spontaneously remembering an errand without having to write it down, set an alarm or tie a ribbon round your finger can generate an instantaneous feeling of joy!

So what's the Stockholm Language Exchange, you ask? It's a MeetUp group where people get together to practice a language of their choice. There is always at least one fluent speaker (usually a native) on hand as host to support and encourage. I attend the French group from time to time to try and kick-start my French after too many years of neglect. And I regularly attend the Swedish group (our most popular) where I host, helping folks who want to improve their Swedish. It is sooooo much fun and I've even developed a bit of a following :-) Check out the site (::: link) to see what languages are offered. Maybe I'll see you there?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 96: Singin' in the rain

Dark, dark, dark clouds above and pouring rain below. Me? I'm happy as a clam, singing along to my (current) favorite cast recording, eating toast with yogurt and jam (try it, it's yummy) and working on a friend's Web site. Life, my friends, is good!